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Stress is a major factor for many patients with multiple sclerosis. From worry about the unpredictable nature of the disease to concerns about work, family, money, and more, having this disease can be a significant stress all on its own. Managing stress can help reduce the development of new lesions in patients with MS. Try these tips to keep stress to a minimum and possibly ease your MS. Look for signs:  Patients may be stressed due to the disease, but not even realize it. Paying close attention to your unique stress response can help you recognize when it begins. Common symptoms of stress include breathing difficulty, tight muscles, sweaty hands and fatigue. It may be hard to differentiate between stress and your symptoms. Keeping a record of when you feel stressed, as well as surrounding events, may help you to make the difference. Be proactive:  Know what actually triggers your stress and take steps to avoid it or prepare yourself to face it. Expecting stress and me...


It is very essential to control the blood sugar as it paves the way to healthy lifestyle and better health. You tend to increase your metabolism and have more energy throughout the day. With balance sugar level, you can concentrate on your work. You will have a better memory. Most important it lowers the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Give online medicine order for controlling your blood sugar level. Do you have regular food cravings, irritability, fatigue and mood swings? It is due to imbalance of blood sugar. Maintaining blood sugar level is crucial to minimize the risk of metabolic syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease. Friendly habits that control blood sugar level. Eat Enough Fat Foods Fat slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood. It prevents you to feel low. Eating fats will not increase your body weight. Fats keep you full for a longer period of time. You can add coconut oil, egg yolk, nuts and chia seeds in your diet. Take proper Protein Foods Protein slow...


According to the statistics given by the  World Health Organization(WHO) , almost 45,000 women died from avoidable pre- pregnancy related problems in India in the year 2015. Adolescent girls and rural women are the ones at a higher risk. Lack of well-trained and qualified midwives in rural areas is one of the major reasons behind these deaths. To improve these conditions, the state government has been taking preventive measures and implementing programs to encourage the women to deliver at the medical centers. Still, there is a limited shred of evidence available on the effectiveness of such interventions. This is estimated from the results drawn on the findings from impact calculations of the two state government programs, the  Thayi Bhagya Yojana(TBY) in Karnataka  and the  Chiranjeevi Yojana(CY) in Gujarat,  that are aimed at improving the maternal health, mainly amongst women who are living below the poverty line. This step was taken in the early 2000...


Summers in India are constantly outrageous. Still, we frequently attempt to be prepared to battle the impacts of the sun and warmth. From picking the best sun creams to hanging our countenances with lovely scarves, what do we not do to help ourselves from tanning or hurting our skin pitiably? Nonetheless, shouldn’t something be said about the other most delicate tangible organ of our body? Indeed, we are discussing our eyes. Eyes are similarly inclined to summer harm as our skin may be. It is the time we consider eye care and measures as an imperative advance for keeping up our excellence and wellbeing. Here are six hints which ought to be taken amidst summer so as to secure the health of our eyes. 1) Buy compelling defensive eye-wear Shades are absolute necessities for our eyes in summer. Our eyes require security against the contact of destructive Ultraviolet beams of the sun since UV beams can extremely harm our visual perception. In this way, it is emphatically ...

Do not ignore if your child is not sleeping

It is tough for the parents and child both if the child is not sleeping well at night. Usually, children are the one who does not take time to fall on the bed and go in a deep sleep within minutes, no matter what happens in the world. But if you find your child having troubles falling asleep or other altered events during the sleeping hours, you might need to be more vigilant and proactive in taking help. Below are a few symptoms that point towards a sleeping disorder in the child. Symptoms of sleeping disorder in children  Children of different age groups exhibit different symptoms. Some of the common symptoms include, Mild or loud snoring while asleep Breathing difficulty Taking a lot of time falling asleep Waking up multiple times at night Drowsy and sleepy during the day Irritability and low performance in day activities Sleepwalking Nightmares and sweaty during the sleep Children or adolescents need a minimum of 9 hours of sleep every d...

How to Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy

Are you feeling that burning sensation in your chest, mama? Are you struggling to eat and sleep comfortably? It could be heartburn! And you’re not alone! About half of all pregnant women experience heartburn – also known as acid reflux. As a mom to twins, I had terrible heartburn. My twins took a lot of space in my uterus and as they grew my daughter inched her way up towards my chest (well, it seemed she was sitting on top of my stomach!). Heartburn can be a very early sign of pregnancy and sadly, it’s a symptom that could stay with you for your whole pregnancy. So if you’re suffering, take a look at these 14 life-saving ways to relieve heartburn during pregnancy. What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy Heartburn during pregnancy is caused by pregnancy hormones slowing down your digestive system and later on by your growing baby pressing on your abdomen. And when you feel the burn, you’re actually feeling food and digestive juices back up...

Most common diseases in babies

One of the things that most worries all mothers are knowing how to treat the most common diseases in babies. Sometimes, however much we want to avoid, it is impossible that the child does not suffer from any of these evils. In fact, some of these diseases are so common during the first year of life that they are almost part of a baby's care routine. Diarrhea It is one of the common diseases in babies. It is defined as the aqueous stool deposition more frequently than three or more times a day. It is usually a symptom of a bacterial infection, virus or parasites. It is transmitted through contaminated food or water, or through poor hygiene. Among the most common symptoms are: Pain in the abdomen Swelling Fever The constant need to go to the bathroom Dehydration Influenza or flu It is an infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose, bronchi, lungs). This condition is very contagious since the virus is transmitted through coughing and sneezing. I...