
Showing posts from March, 2019

Do not ignore if your child is not sleeping

It is tough for the parents and child both if the child is not sleeping well at night. Usually, children are the one who does not take time to fall on the bed and go in a deep sleep within minutes, no matter what happens in the world. But if you find your child having troubles falling asleep or other altered events during the sleeping hours, you might need to be more vigilant and proactive in taking help. Below are a few symptoms that point towards a sleeping disorder in the child. Symptoms of sleeping disorder in children  Children of different age groups exhibit different symptoms. Some of the common symptoms include, Mild or loud snoring while asleep Breathing difficulty Taking a lot of time falling asleep Waking up multiple times at night Drowsy and sleepy during the day Irritability and low performance in day activities Sleepwalking Nightmares and sweaty during the sleep Children or adolescents need a minimum of 9 hours of sleep every d...

How to Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy

Are you feeling that burning sensation in your chest, mama? Are you struggling to eat and sleep comfortably? It could be heartburn! And you’re not alone! About half of all pregnant women experience heartburn – also known as acid reflux. As a mom to twins, I had terrible heartburn. My twins took a lot of space in my uterus and as they grew my daughter inched her way up towards my chest (well, it seemed she was sitting on top of my stomach!). Heartburn can be a very early sign of pregnancy and sadly, it’s a symptom that could stay with you for your whole pregnancy. So if you’re suffering, take a look at these 14 life-saving ways to relieve heartburn during pregnancy. What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy Heartburn during pregnancy is caused by pregnancy hormones slowing down your digestive system and later on by your growing baby pressing on your abdomen. And when you feel the burn, you’re actually feeling food and digestive juices back up...